you see tomatoes, zucchinis, and not in the picture even more tomatoes and eggplants
well, you see that´s basically what i grow every year.
But this year i am specially proud of the lovely little plants you see in the picture below. Guess what it is?
It´s little Lavender sprouts! Years ago, i collected many many seeds from different Lavender plants from neighbours, our own garden, people i don´t even know. To be honest, i never believed there would grow something out of it, so i just forgot about it. This year i thought i just should give it a try. And isn´t it amazing how many and fast they were growing? I am really surprised and can´t wait to pique every single of them in their own little pot and see them growing to a plant.
This is going to be an exciting experiment :)
I had no idea you're such a gardener! But why the bathroom?
AntwortenLöschenwell, we don´t have normal heater in the house, we use underfloor heating. plus: i live right under the roof, which means my room is never gets really warm in winter and it´s actually too hot in summer.
AntwortenLöschenSo right now, my bathroom floor is the warmest place here and little sprouts need it warm to grow quickly :)