Dienstag, 2. November 2010

*happy days/ together ♥

partner-gloves :D


3 Kommentare:

  1. Nice gloves. XOXO

  2. I just saw that you are my new follower! Welcome to my blog :)
    I love all of these adorable Blythes you have. I have one petite Blythe who is in need of some new clothes :)so I'm happy to find your Etsy shop. Now... I'm supposed to be Christmas shopping not shopping for myself haha so I will need to come back to your wonderful shop once I've finished Christmas (and birthday) gifts.

    I hope you have a lovely day, Lane

  3. @ Pixie: Fun! Aren´t they! :D
    @ Lane: Thanks so much for visitng my blog :)
    I enjoyed looking through your posts a lot!
    And i am so surprised now to find out you also have Petit Blythe! hehe
    Have a great time at Christmas shopping! :)


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