Welcome to my blog. Ok, this is not my first blog. You can find my mainblog at http://taffetamoon.vox.com/. I am not yet sure if i should keep this blog, if i should do crossposting (which doesn´t seem good to me), or if i should change to here. what applies most to me on blogger.com is, that comments are not restricted to members-only, and that a wider variety of people use blogger.com instead of VOX.
anyway, if i should stay here, this will mainly be a blog about dolls (Blythe, ACB, BJD, etc.) and zakka crafting.
i will try to complete this place in tiny steps, first of all the header have to be adjust to the right size.
Check bye to see what´s happening.
You also find me at
flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/queenpantoufle/
VOX: http://taffetamoon.vox.com/
and pls visit also my etsy shop with cute handmade zakka for your home:
Halli hallo, willkommen bei Blogger ^_^
AntwortenLöschenHi Devi und vielen Dank! :D
AntwortenLöschenbin noch am überlegen ob ich von VOX hierher wechsel oder doch beide blogs behalte....
beide ham ihre vor- und nachteile ,)
für den Anfang gefällt mir Blogger doch schon ganz gut :D