Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2010


when we went to Usedom, i made a cute little fleemarket find.

i won´t start collecting monchhichis by now, but i thought
this little fellow would be a nice companion for my dolls.
It is a 1974 Sekicuchi Monchhichi.
I had one when i was still a little kid, but it got missing
through the years.
Or maybe i sold it at a fleamarket myself once?

Her name is MochaMocha.
Of course she is a girl!

5 Kommentare:

  1. Mocha Mocha is such a cool name. You find the best "dolls".

  2. Oooh, you make me miss my (psst.. I think, a fake ;)) Monchhichi, which I got when I was 10 or so. Those chubby cheeks.. ^_^

  3. So süß! ^^ Ich mag die kleinen Äffchen auch und hab ein paar bei mir sitzen. :-)

  4. oh, wow! Mocha Mocha is getting more attention than all of my other dolls. lol
    Thx all for the lovely coments!


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